alumni training
training plan for UMRT alumni
After the HOCR in 2019, alumni approached MRA and Head Coach Gregg Hartsuff about developing a guided training plan for alumni that would help them be effective with the limited time they might have available to train. The training plan will be tailored to have alumni peak in fitness at the Head of the Charles each fall.
Below you will find a training regimen overview, the outline for 2020 training plan aimed at peaking for the Head of the Charles, and then the weekly plans based on how often you are able to train - 3/4/5/6 days per week. These will be distributed via email as well as posted on on this page of our website.
Gregg gives an explanation of how to approach the training in the notes and guidelines and how this is specifically targeted at our masters alumni getting back into rowing shape. If you’re more recently graduated and reading this, feel free to add more volume to each workout as you see fit. Maybe toss in another medium intensity workout here and there.
MRA thinks it would be fun to instigate a bit of competition among our alumni so we will offer the ability to report scores for important workouts once per training phase via the Google form below. This will be completely voluntary. You are more than welcome to just follow along the training plan on your own. Submitted workouts will help give alumni benchmarks to gauge both their individual progress as well as compared to their former teammates. We will rank both raw scores as well as age-adjusted scores and then send them out in a Hartsuff themed results email to those who submitted scores. We will not send results out to anyone beyond those who submit workouts.
If you are looking for ways to keep an eye on how your fellow alumni are training, we have a couple different options. First, you will want to download the ErgData app which allows you to wirelessly pair your phone or tablet to any PM5 C2 monitor. Go to the Concept2 Logbook website and scroll down to the bottom of the page. Follow the link to download the app and make sure you set up an account on this page or in the app. Follow the instructions on this page to learn how to sync your workouts to the C2 Logbook.
C2 Logbook - we have created a Concept2 Logbook Virtual Team for C2’s annual competitions and to keep up to date on how our training is going as a group.
Strava - arguably the greatest social media platform that exists, we have created an MRA Strava Club to keep in touch with each other about training, comment on what your former teammates are doing, and swap kudos left and right.
Interested in staying in touch on an even more frequent basis? Some of our alumni have WhatsApp groups started to talk to each other about workouts. Email Lakin, our Alumni Relations Secretary to be connected with other alumni!
You can submit the designated workout via the above Google survey. Results will be emailed out to other alumni who are training. Both raw scores as well as age-adjusted scores will be sent out. Since the highlighted workouts are usually the final one of the training phase, the deadline for submitting the score will be 10pm three days after the end of the phase. Hopefully this will allow a bit of flexibility for our alumni with lots going on in their lives.
If you would like to subscribe to a calendar so that you get reminders for workout submissions, click here to download the iCal file to subscribe to the calendar using any calendar app. We will send out reminders during the week before the workout is due to be submitted. Alternatively, click here for instructions for how to import the calendar using the link. It takes only a couple minutes
2020 Training Plan
Download as a PDF here - highlighted workouts will be the reported scores for each phase.
Looking to continue riding that feel good endorphin train after your workout? Consider taking 60 seconds to set up a monthly recurring donation to support the men and women currently on the team.